My purpose and passion is to support SMEs in raising the bar, by embedding social value and wellbeing into their business, for the benefit of everyone, and helping SMEs access £100 billion of government contracts. I believe in sharing knowledge and expertise, collaborating to harness everyone's potential, and passing it on to make it sustainable. SVRE UK provide solutions to businesses who are committed to the ethical, social value principles, and who will form the business community of the future, as reflected in the governments Social Value and Wellbeing model. We are inviting any Social Value Ready SME business to join the SVRE Consortium for free.
Let SVRE UK help your business to become Social Value Ready and benefit from incredible new growth opportunities. Stay ahead of the game, retain your existing clients, and access a UK procurement pot of £130 billion that the government has specifically set aside for SMES.
I can also help you access the £1.3 trillion in overseas procurement markets via the World Trade Organisation's Agreement on Government Procurement giving you fair and equal access.
David Riley CEO SVRE UK
higher levels of workforce retention than their competitors, when socially purpose driven.
of Millennials would take a pay cut to work for an environmentally responsible company.
Fast Company.
of employees say they would not work for a company without a strong social purpose.
Harvard Business Review.
of executives believe strong social purpose provides competitive advantage.
Porter Novelli.
of people feel that companies who do not prioritise social issues, do not care.
Harvard Business School.
of investors say social values are important factors in their investment decision making.
of senior executives agree that strong social performance contributes to organisational value.
Businesses with social purpose beyond just making money outperform the market by a factor of 14.
Firms of Endearment.
... attracting and retaining staff. Competitive advantage. Brand engagement, growth, trust, value, and strength. Cost management. Investor appeal.
and much more …